Freitag, 29.11.2024 | 10:00 Uhr | Jugendherberge Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin
Anreise: S3, S5, S7, S8, S9, S41, S42, S75, S85, Bus 194, 347, M43 Ostkreuz | Tram 21, Bus 240 Marktstraße
📣 Aufruf: – @sol_berlin
⚠️ Anmeldung:
#b3011 #Sozialismustag2024
- ein Sozialist aus den USA, aktiv bei der Independent Socialist Group (Schwesterorganisation der Sol)
- Alexandra Arnsburg, Mitglied im ver.di-Landesbezirksfachbereichsvorstand A und Landesbezirksfrauenrat Berlin-Brandenburg*
- Angelika Teweleit, Sprecherin des “Netzwerk für eine kämpferische und demokratische ver.di”
- Anja Voigt, Betriebsrätin bei Vivantes* und ver.di-Aktive
- Ferat Koçak, antirassistischer Aktivist und Mitglied des Berliner Abgeordnetenhauses für Die Linke
- Claudius Naumann, ver.di-Betriebsgruppensprecher an der Freien Universität*
- Rainer Perschewski, Betriebsratsvorsitzender bei der Zentrale der Deutschen Bahn und Mitglied im EVG-Bundesvorstand*
- Sascha Staničić, Sol-Bundessprecher und Autor/Herausgeber verschiedener Bücher (u.a. “Kampf um die Ukraine”)
Ausführliches Programm und Anmeldung unter:
✊🏾Socialism Day 2024✊🏾
Arrival: S3, S5, S7, S8, S9, S41, S42, S75, S85, Bus 194, 347, M43 Ostkreuz | Tram 21, Bus 240 Marktstraße
📣 Call: – @sol_berlin
⚠️ Registration:
#b3011 #socialismday2024
Socialism Day of Sol Berlin on 30.11.2024
Capitalism is destroying our world and threatening our lives and our future. Wars, such as in Ukraine and the Middle East, are causing untold suffering and destruction. Poverty and hunger are increasing worldwide, as are climate destruction and natural disasters.
While the 5 richest men have doubled their wealth since 2020, 5 billion people have become poorer.
This is also happening in Germany, where real incomes have fallen in recent years. Now German corporations are organizing massive job cuts and demanding cutbacks like at VW in order to shift the capitalist crisis onto the backs of working people.
Capital is demanding massive cuts, as well as longer working hours and attacks on the right to strike and pensions. The traffic lights are already making cuts and massive upgrades, while hospitals, schools and the public infrastructure are on edge.
Unfortunately, the AfD, which uses racism against refugees to distract attention from the real causes of the problems and itself stands for anti-working-class policies, benefits to a large extent from the discontent in elections. The Ampel and CDU legitimize their agitation through racist special laws and tightening asylum laws.
The many problems facing the billions of working and poor people worldwide cannot be solved within the framework of the capitalist profit system.
The Socialism Day is a one-day event at which we therefore want to talk about resistance and alternatives to capitalism. It is organized by the Socialist Organization Solidarity (Sol) and is an offer to all people to discuss with us, but also to organize themselves and fight with us for a socialist world.
Come and join us!
Among the participants are
- a socialist from the USA, active in the Independent Socialist Group (sister organization of Sol)
- Alexandra Arnsburg, member of the ver.di state district executive committee A and state district women’s council Berlin-Brandenburg*
- Angelika Teweleit, spokesperson for the “Network for a militant and democratic ver.di”
- Anja Voigt, works council member at Vivantes* and ver.di activist
- Ferat Koçak, anti-racist activist and member of the Berlin House of Representatives for Die Linke
- Claudius Naumann, ver.di works group spokesperson at Freie Universität*
- Rainer Perschewski, Chairman of the Works Council at Deutsche Bahn headquarters and member of the EVG Federal Executive Board*
- Sascha Staničić, Sol national spokesperson and author/editor of various books (including “Kampf um die Ukraine”)
*Details are for identification purposes only
We offer childcare if required. Please let us know when registering at least one week before the start of the event (including the age of the child). We also offer translation into English if required.
In order to be able to plan better, please register in advance if possible. However, last-minute registrations are of course also welcome.
As we have expenses for rooms, materials and childcare, we cannot offer the Socialism Day free of charge.
We therefore ask for the following entrance fees: Day ticket: 10 euros (social), 15 euros (normal), 20 euros (solidarity); Individual events: For a donation
Detailed program and registration at: