Für einen gerechten Frieden in Palästina und Israel!

Termin Details

Freitag, 18.10.2024 | 17:00 Uhr | Bundeskanzleramt 10557 Berlin

Anreise: U5 Bundestag | Bus 100 Platz der Republik | S3, S7, S9, Tram M5, M8, M10, Bus 120, 123, 142, 147, 245, M10, M41, M85 Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Ausgang Washingtonplatz)

📣 Aufruf: https://gerechter-frieden.org/kundgebung/

#b1810 #CeasefireNow!

🔥For a just peace in Palestine and Israel!🔥

Friday, 18.10.2024 | 05:00 pm | Bundeskanzleramt 10557 Berlin

Arrival: U5 Bundestag | Bus 100 Platz der Republik | S3, S7, S9, Tram M5, M8, M10, Bus 120, 123, 142, 147, 245, M10, M41, M85 Berlin Hauptbahnhof (exit Washingtonplatz)

📣 Call: https://gerechter-frieden.org/kundgebung/

#b1810 #CeasefireNow!

We are witnessing a shocking escalation of violence and suffering in Palestine and Israel. In the current war, over 42,000 people have already been killed in Palestine and over 1,200 people in Israel since 7 October 2023. Around 100 hostages are still in Gaza. At least 95,000 Palestinians have been wounded and countless are missing. Almost the entire population of Gaza, 1.9 of the 2.1 million inhabitants, has already been displaced several times within their country. Around 100,000 Israelis have been evacuated since last October.

There is no safe place in the entire Gaza Strip. The deliberate withholding of humanitarian aid, food, clean drinking water and medical care by Israel is acutely threatening the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza. And in the West Bank, people are more than ever defencelessly exposed to the violence of the army and settlers.

We cannot and will not remain silent about all of this. We condemn all war crimes in this war, both those of Hamas and other armed Palestinian groups, as well as those of the Israeli government. We mourn all the victims of violence in Palestine and Israel. We grieve for the thousands who are arbitrarily detained in Israel and often subjected to torture and ill-treatment. We grieve for those who have been taken hostage in Gaza. We stand in solidarity with all those who are campaigning for peace and equal rights for all people in the region.

While the German government rightly condemns the war crimes committed by Hamas, it does not even recognise the war crimes committed by the Israeli government and army. Moreover, through its political actions it is condoning Israel’s actions in Gaza, which violate international law. The German government is weakening international jurisdiction by taking sides unilaterally.

In Germany, we are experiencing massive encroachments on freedom of expression and freedom of assembly in the context of Palestine solidarity. We clearly oppose the criminalisation of legitimate protests and are taking our criticism of the war in Gaza and the role of the German government to the streets.

We are taking to the streets to make it clear: A reason of state that applies double standards to human rights and international law benefits no one and – despite the repeated political statements – does not contribute to Israel’s security either. Human rights and international law are universal. Human lives must not be subject to double standards: Palestinian life is just as precious as Israeli life.

We call on the German government:

  • Do all you can to promote an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire. Only a ceasefire will create the conditions for an end to the killing and for the release of hostages and unlawful detainees.
  • Do not supply armaments to Israel if there is a risk that they will be used in violation of international law.
  • Support international jurisdiction without restrictions in order to end decades of impunity.
  • In line with the opinion of the International Court of Justice of 19 July 2024, do everything in your power to end the illegal occupation, the construction of settlements in violation of international law and the displacement of the Palestinian population in the West Bank.
  • Protect freedom of expression and freedom of assembly in Germany: protection against discrimination, racism and anti-Semitism must not be played off against the right to peaceful protest.

With this event, we want to create a space for peaceful protest that is free from discrimination and violence. We do not accept racist, anti-Palestinian and/or anti-Semitic statements or actions.